Tire FAQs

Risks of Driving with a Flat Tire: What You Need to Know

Taking care of your tires is crucial for your health and safety. Flat tires are a common problem drivers have to face regularly and usually tend to happen at the worst times. Many modern cars have a preinstalled pressure sensor that can alert the driver if there is a flat tire. But for cars that don’t have a sensor, it’s pretty easy to detect.

What causes a flat tire?

Flat tires are often caused by an air leak. A sharp object usually nicks the tire and can puncture the tire, leaving a hole. Sometimes the punctures can be severe enough to form a ”bead leak.” This happens when the tire can’t get airtight due to debris or corrosion on the wheel.


Sometimes a flat tire is caused by under-inflation, such as when the valve is not closed properly and the air is leaking out of it. In that case, a blowout happens. The common cause of punctures, as mentioned above, is when a driver passes over a sharp object like a nail. If the puncture happens at high speed, it can be really dangerous and cause accidents, even fatal ones. Some of the common causes include

  • Some flat tires happen when car owners neglect to take care of their tires for a long time. And the tire tread is completely worn out. A worn-out tire is very susceptible to a puncture; even small road debris can cause the tire to rip and lead to an explosion.
  • Another common cause of roadside flat tires is a leaking valve stern.

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How do you know you have a flat tire?

A flat tire is obvious, as it will sit flat on the ground and be visibly lower; anyone can easily detect that the tire needs replacement. If the puncture is fresh and the tire is not visibly obvious, you can tell that your car has a flat tire as the car will drive with an imbalance and the alignment will be out. When pulling over the car, you can also feel vibrations or a loud “pop,” which is usually an indication of a flat tire.

Can you repair a flat tire on your own?

You can repair a flat tire by yourself if you have the proper skill, repair material, and enough experience. Repairing a tire is a responsible task and is advised to be done by a professional. Even after all that, repairing a tire depends on many different factors, and one must thoroughly inspect the tire before repairing anything. The number of repairs or tires is also limited and based on the location of the puncture and the size of the tire.

Under no condition, a repair should be attempted if your tire has any of the following:

  • If your tire was previously repaired and that repair appears faulty,
  • A worn-out thread below 1.6 mm or below
  • Exposed cords
  • Aged, worn, or completely deteriorated rubber
  • If the structure of the tire is compromised,

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Why is driving on a flat tire dangerous?

A tire is made to hold a certain amount of pressure while driving. This pressure is crucial for a smooth and even ride overall. When you get a flat tire, that pressure is compromised, which can be extremely risky for both you and your car. When you get a flat tire, it is recommended that you do not drag it for a long time and get it repaired as soon as possible. Some possible damage and dangers a flat tire can cause are:

1_Irreparable Tire

If you drive a flat tire for a long time, it can cause serious damage to the internal structure of the tire. Leave the tire completely damaged and useless.

2_Damage the Rim

Driving on a flat tire can also damage the rims of your vehicle’s tires. When you get flat tires, the rims of your tires are making contact with the road, and driving on that flat tire can compromise the integrity of the rims, causing more damage than necessary. 

3_Loss of Control

Driving on a flat tire can also cause uneven handling, which is a recipe for poor control on the road. Flat tires show little to no responsiveness on the road, making them impossible to manage and easily causing fatal accidents.

How long can you drive on a flat tire?

This question completely depends on the tire specifications. It is ideally not recommended to drive on a flat tire. But if it is completely necessary, you can go up to 45–50 miles at 50 mph.

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